Getting There
Otter Bar is located on the California Salmon River in far northwestern California, about halfway between Eureka/Arcata on the coast and Yreka on Interstate 5.
Due to the remote nature of our location, we welcome arrivals after 6pm on the day prior to the start of your kayak class (i.e., Saturday). An informal pasta dinner is served around 7:30pm. If you are going to be later than this, please call to let us know. Classes officially begin at 9am on Sunday morning after an 8am breakfast.
- Take I-5 south into California. Continue to the Yreka exit labeled “Fort Jones – Highway 3” (exit #773). Turn right at the exit ramp then left at the light onto Highway 3 going south.
- Continue over the mountain to Fort Jones and onward to Etna (25 miles from I-5). Just outside of Etna, Highway 3 turns abruptly left. Continue straight ahead into Etna without turning left with Highway 3. Make a right turn at the T-intersection downtown onto Main Street.
- Follow this road over the mountain (it becomes one lane), past the tiny town of Sawyers Bar (go slow, please) and downriver along the North Fork to Forks of Salmon (42 miles or 1 1/2 hours from Etna). The road bears right in Forks of Salmon. Continue 1 1/2 miles to Otter Bar. We are on the left down a gravel drive. Approximate 6 1/2 hours from Portland. Be sure to fill up at one of the gas stations in Yreka, Fort Jones, or Etna, CA.
- This route will take you approximately 2 hours from Yreka.
- Please take extra caution when driving on the narrow mountain roads of our area: stay to the right, be prepared for oncoming traffic at all times, and –most of all– please drive slowly.
(Note: if you are coming via I-5 from north of Grants Pass, OR, a shorter route is possible during summer months only after the snow has melted and mountain roads are re-opened (via a paved road linking O’Brien, OR on US 199 to Happy Camp, CA on CA Hwy 96). Please call us for more info and to find out if the road is open for the season before attempting this route)
- Take the I-5 exit marked “Edgewood – Gazelle” (exit #751).
- When you reach Gazelle turn left and follow the road over the mountain to Callahan (30 miles; 1 hour).
- Turn left just after the tiny town of Callahan (onto Cecilville Rd.) and go over the mountain and down the South Fork Salmon via Cecilville until you reach a T-intersection in Forks of Salmon (40 miles or 1 1/2 hours from Callahan; please note that the road becomes one lane near Cecilville).
- Turn left at the T-intersection entering Forks. Continue 1 1/2 miles to Otter Bar. We are on the left down a gravel drive. There is a mail box on the right hand side which says “Otter Bar” and the address: 14026. Approximate 7 1/2 hour drive from San Francisco; 2 1/2 hours from I-5.
- A slightly more relaxing way is to come in via Yreka, CA.
- Continue north on I-5 to exit #773 (“Fort Jones – Yreka – Hwy 3”) and take a left at the end of the exit ramp and continue to the light at Highway 3 and turn left.
- Continue over the mountain to Fort Jones and onward to Etna (25 miles from I-5). Just outside of Etna, Highway 3 turns abruptly left. Continue straight ahead into Etna without turning left with Highway 3. Make a right turn at the T-intersection downtown onto Main Street.
- Follow this road over the mountain (it becomes one lane), past the tiny town of Sawyers Bar (go slow, please) and downriver along the North Fork to Forks of Salmon (42 miles or 1 1/2 hours from Etna). The road bears right in Forks of Salmon. Continue 1 1/2 miles to Otter Bar. We are on the left down a gravel drive, with a mail box on the right hand side of the road that says Otter Bar and the address: 14026.
Get a full color detailed Google Map of our area with driving directions from your location.
For those of you using a GPS or onboard navigation system, our lodge is located at: 41° 16’30.30″ N, 123° 20’47.63″W.
The driving directions above give the best routes to us. Beware: many online map services do not accurately display our location. We recommend following our directions. There have been problems with Mapquest and GPS directions. To make sure of the most direct route, you should give us a call.