If You Are Flying

Otter Bar Lodge is 2.5 hours from the Eureka/Arcata Airport. We will meet you at this airport and shuttle you to the lodge on the Saturday afternoon before the first day of your class. United Express is the only airline which services this airport. Each year the schedules change slightly. But as of this writing, we will meet you at the airport between 3:00 & 4:00 on Saturday. Please check airline’s schedules for the time closest to this.

This is the only time we can meet you. If you miss a flight or are very late, you will need to rent a car and drive to the lodge. It is a 5 hour round trip for us, and we must stick to our schedule. To be safe, sometimes arriving a little early and waiting is worth it. If you think you are going to be delayed, call the lodge immediately and we’ll try to arrange something but no promises. Sorry!

On the following Saturday, the last day of class, we will either arrange for you to get a ride to the airport with a fellow guest or shuttle you. The Arcata Airport does not have many flights into/out of Arcata. Please call us to see what the current schedule is and we will tell you the best flight to take. If you want an airport shuttle, fill out the form and send us a check ($80.00 per person/round trip for this service). Write, email or call us confirming that you want a pick-up.

Some guests have been flying into the Medford, Oregon Airport and renting a car and driving here. (Approx: 3.25 hrs.) The advantage of this is, there are more airlines and flights coming in and is usually less expensive than Arcata. We have no shuttle service to Medford.

Recommended Motels closest to airport:

  1. HOTEL ARCATA, 707-826-0217; 800-344-1221. This is an older, old-fashioned hotel on the square in downtown Arcata, which is a small college town. The town is fun with a few good restaurants within walking distance. This isn’t the Ritz, but we think this is more fun than the generic motels on ‘the strip’ outside of town. Can be a little noisy. You need to get a taxi to the airport in the morning. (Ask for an inside room.)
  2. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS/800-HOLIDAY/707-840-9305. This is a hotel right next to the airport in McKinleyville. There is a good restaurant in the airport to eat at, and a continental breakfast is served at the hotel.
  3. QUALITY INN/ 707-822-0409.

If none of these work out, or you want something different, give us a call.